How To Select The Right Passive Components Singapore

In the last few years, the number of high-frequency products that surround our life has enhanced significantly. With that, the use of passive components Singapore has sold as well. The enhanced number of high-speed Industrial and consumer products has created a sharp increase in the PCB design. When you are concentrating on the design of high-frequency applications you need to understand that the performance of the passive components can affect the performance of the whole device significantly. 

The question is how you can choose the best passive components for your murata ceramic resonator. In the following section of this article, we have tried to discuss this factor in detail. Let's check it out.

Let's Not Be Very Passive About The Passive Devices


Even though the passive components are termed passive, you cannot design a circuit without the help of these components. Having said that, choosing the right passive component that suits the requirement of your device in the right way is not as easy as it sounds. Whenever you are considering the qualities and functions of passive devices you need to keep certain pick points in mind.


For example, you need to understand that passive components have been named in such a way because they cannot generate energy. That does not mean these components require a constant source of energy to function properly. Passive components are Unique electronic components that can function efficiently even without a constant flow of current.

As you may already have some ideas from all these, the passive components cannot amplify any kind of electrical signals. These components cannot even control circuits properly.


There is no doubt that passive components come with certain types of limitations but if you plan properly you can use these devices to your advantage. When the passive components are installed properly it can help you to control the signal emissions, create feedback or generate a phase shift. So it is most important for you to understand the requirements of the passive component of your device to choose the right one.


Resistance is Necessary

If you have a basic idea about electronic circuits you may already know that resistors generally oppose the continuous flow of current. There is no doubt whenever we are making a circuit we generally use resistors to achieve impedance biasing and matching. However, you can select from several types of Resistors available in the market to generate the result you want it to create.


Whenever you are dealing with components that generate high frequencies resistors generally respond differently. As the wire wound resistors come with coils of wire it creates a certain level of inductance. Even though the internal structure of the film resistors also contains thin metallic film the inductance level does not reach as high a level as the wire wound resistors. That is why most of the time the thin metallic resistors are generally used in the circuits of high-frequency devices.

Resistors also come with the power of capacitance. While it may sound kind of strange, the end capacitance of a resistor generally exists in parallel to each other and therefore creates capacitance. In most circumstances, the resistance level of a certain resistor helps to push forward the parasitic type of capacitance. in this situation, the capacitance of the circuit becomes Leaky which can create starting problems. The resistors that come with high value however can have a capacitance level that appears parallelly with its level of resistance.


Managing Current and Decoupling with The Capacitors

Compared to the resistors, the capacitors tend to store energy electrostatically as a basic charge across two or more types of conducting plates. All these plates are generally separated using dielectric. In most cases, you can use capacitors in your circuit design for coupling the signal lines and filtering the supply line. However, you need to take a deeper look to understand the specific characteristics of this component and to see how the capacitors can respond when it is installed in a high-level frequency circuit.


As we have mentioned earlier, a parasitic type of resonance and inductance can take place if you use certain types of capacitors in your high-frequency circuit. For example, film capacitors and electrolytic capacitors can often create such issues when they are used in high-frequency circuits. The layers and types of materials used for creating the capacitor often help you to get the area required for generating self-inductance. You can often find that the electrolytic capacitor comes with a plate-to-plate leakage current. This can be seen more frequently in circuits that have parasitic series resistance along with the capacitors. Whenever this situation takes place, you can generate an equivalent series resistance for your device.

Continuous Storage of Energy with Inductors

Inductors are electronic components that help you to store energy. Even if the simple definition of the inductors can lump the capacitors and these components together there are certain differences between these two. When it comes to the inductors it can store electromagnetic energy as long as the current keeps on flowing through the circuit. While the inductance level opposes the changes in the level of current flowing through the circuit, a bigger inductance value comes with a smaller rate of change.


As you now have a clear idea about different types of passive components it will be easier for you to choose the right one for your device. The more you understand the pros and cons of different electronic components the easier it will be for you to reach the right decision.


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